Monday, May 23, 2011

Here we go!

Well this is my first ever blog entry.  Yesterday was an incredible day at Northstar!  I am so thankful to be a part of such a sweet body that not only allows me time away with God, but actually celebrates it with me.  I am really looking forward to what the Father reveals to us all on this adventure!


  1. I am looking forward to hearing more of His heart through you on your blog! I still enjoy your sermons and loved our time at NorthStar! The body of Christ is a vast and wonderful expanse! So glad to know you and your precious family:)

  2. Praying and lifting you up Pastor! Our home launched a 30 Days of Prayer, setting side additional time each day (outside our personal quiet time) to pray and seek the Lord while lifting up our church, your journey with the Lord during this time away, and asking God to truly use our church to reach and ministry to this world. Looking forward to reading more while your on this new journey.

    In His Name, Matt & Kim Davis

  3. Here's to chasing some lions, Scott! Looking forward to keeping up with you through your blog.
